Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pets Enhance Life All Around Us!

Pets have an amazing affect on people in so many ways. We all have heard how touching a pet can cause a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and calm nerves. Cancer patients have a smoother recovery with daily interaction with pets. I just read in USA today about an amazing use of a Labrador Retriever in the courtroom. When kids experience anxiety at having to testify in the courtroom, "Ellie" comes to the rescue! Just by sitting next to the child, nerves are calmed and the event goes so much better with less stress. Check out this article: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-02-22-court-dogs_N.htm
I am filled with wonder at the power of the human-animal bond! What a great gift they can be for us.
Dr. Mike

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