Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dental Health Is Important Enough To Do It Right

"Wow, does my pet's breath smell terrible!" We hear this every day at Fayette Veterinary Medical Center. MOST of the time, this bad breath is due to dental disease. Almost 100% of dogs and cats get some degree of dental disease because so many of us do not brush their teeth EVERY DAY. This is tough to do sometimes, but they build up plaque and tartar just like we do. And wow, does it build up fast when we do not care for their teeth daily. Our encouragement to you: Do not take shortcuts in treating dental disease. Most of the time, a professional dental cleaning is needed to get a fresh start at dental care. This must be done under general anesthesia. Go to our website and read an article on why you should not allow a semi-professional to clean your pet's teeth without anesthesia...the reasons may surprise you. Just click on our website and go to the RESOURSES button and then COMPANY NEWS . Here's to not only FRESH BREATH and PEARLY WHITES, but a HEALTHIER PET!

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